Mahele Documents

2/14/2017 4:32:00 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06891*L
Claimant: Kauwe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Lanai
District: Lanai
Ahupuaa: Kalulu
Statistics: 1575 characters 207 words
[No. 6891*L], Kauwe
N.R. 427-429v6 [part of 6851 document; all the rest are for Maui]

No. 6851, Kahula ma, Lahaina, February 8, 1848

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: We hereby petition for our claims for land, lots, house lots, paukus, single and multiple lo`i, mo`o, or mo`os, kula, po ....

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.... ceived it from Kalua in 1839 and has held it ever since in peace.

It is bounded:
Mauka by Kam[?]
Olowalu by the pali
Makai by the land "Kalakoi"
Kaanapali by the land of "Kaku"[?] and by "Halala"[?].

[No. 6891 not awarded; F.T. is for Maui, N.R. is for Lanai]