Statistics: 2848 characters 431 words
No. 6748*H, Alapai, Honolulu, Oahu, February 4, 1848
N.R. 396-397v5
To the Land Commissioenrs, Greetings: I hereby petition for my land claim. Its name is Waikapoki, an `ili in Kaneohe, Koolau, Island of Oahu. One half of Hinaweo, an `Ili of Niulii in Kohala, Hawaii, also. This is my place which remains in the division by the King, and I have received a grant from Kamehameha for my peittion for these places. Kamehameha is the witness.
I also have a house lot at Waiohaha in Kaneohe, Koolau, which is bounded on the north and west by the bank ....
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.... ove is true. Tenants who have claim here in this land of Waikapoki are Opu and Wahaulaula. Section 1 has had opposition.
See page 184.
N.T. 184v10
No. 6748, Alapai from page 93
Alapai's land listed in Mahele Book.
½ Hanaweo ili in Niulii, Kohala, Hawaii.
Waikapoki ili in Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu.
A.G. Thruston, Secretary K.K.
Minister of Interior, 16 December 1852
[No. 6748 not awarded on Hawaii; See Award 15MA for Hawaii award; See also Oahu award; Settled as Land Grant 795]