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No. 6737, Luheluhe, January 22, 1848
N.R. 395v5
Claim for land on Oahu at Kaluanui, Koolauloa, District 5.
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claims: Lo`i claim 1, is bounded on the north by Kapela's land and Pakeu's, on the east by the second of Kap ....
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.... y Pakeu's place, on the east by Kaumelieli's place, and on the south and west also. These are all the things I have to state to you.
I am with aloha and respect to all of this Kingdom's race.
Oahu, Koolauloa, District 5, Ahupua`a of Kaluanui
[No. 6737 not awarded]