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No. 6700, Lolanui, Waimea, Kauai, January 17, 1848
N.R. 245v9
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: In the `ili of Palawai in Waimea, Kauai, is a kihapai, named Kapalawai. Mose /Kekuaiwa?/ gave it to Napea, Napea gave it to Mikolouka, and Mikolouka gave it to me. It is bounded on ....
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.... pasture
Mana, Hanahanaipali.
Land from Kaiioewa at the time of Kinau. No objections.
Kahewana, sworn, verifies Hepa's statement.
[Award 6700; Kalapawai Waimea Kona; 2 ap.; 2 Acs 2 roods 4 rods; same Kapalawai and Award 6028; See 6028 for F.T. and N.T. records]]