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No. 6548, Hooliliamanu, February 4, 1848
N.R. 379v5
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim at Panaio, `Ili in Waiawa, Ewa. I have a taro mo`o, the lo`is kukulu lauo /obscure/, some four small scattered places, some small kulas, a house lot, a Pu`uone /pond/, and fruiting bananas in that `Ili of Panaio. At Papao `Ili in Waiawa, Ewa, I have one pu`uone /pond/
One half of Anana `Ili in Waimalu, Ewa, was from the Mo`i. I have twenty-three lo`i in Kuaiula `Ili in Honolulu, Oahu. Those are my claims.
I am, respectfully, and with aloha
Honolulu, Oahu
N.T. 62v10
No . 6548, Hooliliamanu, 28 October 1851
Kanakahi, sworn, I have s ....
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.... pos;s patches should be for the government because they were not for Hooliliamanu in the beginning. He is overseer only for this land and should he pass away, it would not be clear as to who would be the tenant, then his land would be for the government.
S.P. Kalama, you should inquire of A.G. Thruston about this claim of N. Hooliliamanu. It would be best if some patches could be given to his [the?] wife and children of N. Hooliliamanu just as it was done for other overseers of the past as well as of the present. Inform us whether this is a possibility or not at two o'clock on the morrow.
21 May [1853]
Decision: N. Hooliliamanu has no claim at Kuaiula, it is for the government.
[No. 6548 not awarded]