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No. 6529, Holokukini
N.R. 193v9
To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim at Kilauea. I am the Konohiki, under A. Keliiahonui. My claims are for all the rights and benefits pertaining to the Konohiki, being the Po`alimas and the Po`ahas, the protected fish, and the protected trees. Those are my claims, under A. Keliiahonui ma.
N.R. 193v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby tell you of my three lo`i and also a house lot those are m ....
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.... two houses and the men are living under Holokukini who owns the land and house lot.
Mauka by Kahili river
Napali by Konohiki's pasture
Makai by Opeka's lois
Anahola by Kahili river.
Land from Kekiahonui in 1842, title clear since the beginning to the present.
Kohale, sworn, he has seen Holokukini's land in Kalihi, also a house lot, the pasture and the four lois in Pilaa of the ili land of Puaa. He has known in the same ways as Kanaina.
[Award 6529; Puaa 1 ap. 1 Ac 11 rods]