Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06514
Claimant: Aka, W.B.
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Makaweli
Ili: Puulima
Statistics: 3535 characters 611 words
No. 6514, W.B. Aka, Claimant, Division 2, Waimea, Kauai, Jan. 10, 1848
N.R. 188-189Bv9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: In the `ili of Puulima in Makaweli on the island of Kauai is a house lot named Puulima hale /house/, and an adjoining kula. It is stated as follows: It was given by D. Oleloa, Naumu, a Tax Official, and Kealiiahonui and Kaelemakule, a school principal, during their time in the government. I began my occupancy of this place in 1844. It was given me for teaching school. Another house enters into this place, before this house was given by Daniela, /for/ one of Daniel's men. It is bounded as follows: the survey begins where the school house stands, bei ....

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N.T. 11-12v11
No. 6514, W.B. Aka

Pehu, sworn, he has seen Aka's piece of land.

Section 1 - 3 lois and a pasture in the moo Keana, ili of Puulima in Makaweli
Mauka by Keana pali
Hanapepe by Kapuaapilau moo
Makai by Puulima loi
Mana by Waimea River.

Section 2 - house lot in Puulima ili, Makaweli
Mauka by Kalanahea pasture
Hanapepe by Pehu pasture
Makai and Mana by Waimea River.

Land from Daniela and Puniai which Lihau received at the time of Kinau, no objections.

Palalahiwa, sworn, verifies Pehu's statements.

[Award 6514; Puulima Makaweli Kona; 2 ap.; 1 Ac 14 rods]