Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06510CC
Claimant: Poupou
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Hamakuapoko
Ahupuaa: Paia, Paniau
Ili: Ohia, Koaie
Statistics: 1244 characters 187 words
Cl. 6510CC, Poupou
F.T. 140v8

Kaumauma, sworn,was present when Kiha wrote the claimant's claim. The claimant's land are of two pa kula land in the ili of Koaie, Paniau.

The claimant received these lands fr ....

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.... on 1:
Mauka by Palalu
Koolau by Kaumauma
Makai by Kaumana
Wailuku by Kekipi.

Section 2:
Mauka by Apiki
Koolau by Kekipi
Makai by Kiha
Wailuku by Kamakaala.

[No. 6510CC not awarded]