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No. 269, John Ii
N.R. 36v2
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I am describing this house lot at Kawaiahao, close to the house lot where Armstrong is now living. On the north side of a road from Mika Rokeke's /Mr. Rogers?/ house lot, which comes out on the main road,thus beginning from the house lot of H. Hupa /H. Hooper/ to the afore-said road, 177 feet, thence, turn and run to the northeast to the house lot of Rokeke /Rogers/, 149 feet 8 inches, thence, running to the north to the house lot of H. Hupa, 102 feet, thence turning and running to the west to the place of beginning, 245 feet, being the boundaries of this lot. We lived at this little house lot in the year 1823 until 1829, when Kahuhu sailed with Poki ma, from then until now. No one has objected. Ana ....
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.... d, This place is at Kawaiahao in Honolulu here. The boundaries are the same as Waiakea has just stated. Kamehameha II had given J. Ii his interest. I have seen J. Ii and Kahuhu living there. In the year 1822 Kahuhu had built some houses and had dug a well. Then Kahuhu went with Poki to England and he bequested their (two) place to Ii, the estate and land. They had lived together previously, later he went to England with Poki. There are two mud huts and the third one has fallen apart. Those houses are for John Ii and the servants are living under him at the present time. I have not seen nor heard that anyone has ever objected to him for this property.
[Award 269; no R.P.; King St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .63 Ac.; Printers Lane Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.;.63 Ac.; See also Award 268]