Mahele Documents

3/8/2007 4:36:22 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06277
Claimant: Kaneahuea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waimea, Makaweli
Ili: Kahoomano, Hakioa, Manawai
Statistics: 2496 characters 415 words
No. 6277, Kaneahuea, Waimea, Kauai, January 22, 1848
N.R. 167v9

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim for loi on the island of Kauai in the 'ili of Kahoomano, received from Paulo Kanoa. We live there at this time, as shown in the diagram below:


Measuring from I to K, 42 fathoms
Measuring from K to H, 27 fathoms
Measuring from H to E, 42 fathoms
Measuring from E to I, 27 fathoms

No. 2
Measuri ....

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.... />Mana by Kapuahola 2 moo.

Section 2 - House lot at Manawai of Makaweli ahupuaa.
Mauka by Pohakoeleele pasture
Hanapepe by Lainapahau pali
Makai by Kahikolae house lot
Mana by Makaweli stream.

Section 1 to Kaneahuea from Kamoopohaku at the time Emilia was governor.

Kaehu, sworn, Paele's statement is accurate.

[Award 6277; R.P. 4820; Manawai Makaweli Kona; 1 ap. 1 rood 32 rods; Maokahui Makaweli Kona; 1 ap. 1 rood 30 rods]