Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06203
Claimant: Namauu ma
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Statistics: 1000 characters 161 words
No. 6203-6219], Namauu ma
N.R. 355v6

We petition you, the Land Commissisoners, for our land in Lahaina. Our claims which are stated to you are for pauku land, mo`o land, house, ....

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.... , Waiki, of Kaulalo
No. 6218, Mauae, of Wainee
No. 6219, Maaweau, of Puunau

F.T. 101v7 [See Award 10533]

[No. 6203 not awarded; See Award 10533 for Namauu]