Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06032
Claimant: Napio
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona, North
Ahupuaa: Kahaluu
Ili: Makailoia, Makolea, Ulumoe, Pakii 6, Pahoa
Statistics: 2119 characters 324 words
No. 6032, Napio, Kahaluu, Hawaii, January 24, 1848
N.R. 408v8

Here is our claim to quiet title to our lot which we have measured. It is 32 by 30. Furthermore, there are kihapais in various lands.

N.T. 623v4
No. 6032, Napio, February 14, 1849

Kameeui, sworn, He has been in one ili land in another ili of Kahaluu ahupuaa, 7 sections and 1 house lot. ....

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.... ernment road
Kohala by konohiki.
Lot has been enclosed, 4 houses - 1 for Pii, 1 for Kalaikuiha, 1 for Naako and 1 house for Kanakaole.

Naaho and Napio have no house there, Napio is not there. Napio's interest is from Kaniaa in 1840, no one has objected.

Kanakaole, sworn, Both he and Kameeui have known in the same way.

[Award 6032; R.P. 6807; Kahaluu, Kona; 2 ap.; 2.54 Acs]