Mahele Documents

5/28/2008 2:33:16 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 05599
Claimant: Kua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Kualoa, Hakipuu
Statistics: 1202 characters 205 words
No. 5599, Kua
N.R. 87v5

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land in the `Ili of the Ahupua`a of Kualoa, District 6, Division 3, Island of Oahu. There are twelve taro lo`i, two patches of ....

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.... the land from his brother who held it from the time of Kamehameha I.

The King's land agent consented to this claim.

[Award 5599; R.P. 489; Kualoa Koolaupoko; 2 ap.; Hakipuu Koolaupoko 1 ap; total 1.25 Acs.]