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No. 5573, Kualii, Honolulu, Oahu, February 1, 1848
N.R. 203-204v4
To the Persons Chosen as Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, Kualii, the wahine of the deceased, named Kaua, hereby petition for my firm right from my kane, for some houses which my kane willed to me, and the right to the lot in which I live where my houses s ....
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.... this property from Kalaimoku and he had lived there a long time ago to the present time."
Kalaimoku, sworn and stated, "Kualii's property is from me just as Kekauonohi has stated here. They have three houses there; no one has objected."
[Award 5573; R.P. 2464; Merchant St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .33 Ac.]