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No. 5516D, Oopu
N.R. 64v5
I hereby state to you, the Land Commissioners, my claim in Kuahanahana, an `Ili of Halawa. It is cultivated by me in various places.
F.T. 118v8
Cl. 5516D, Oopu
Kamohai, sworn, The claimant's land are of four pieces in Halawa.
No. 1 - kalo land in the ili of Kauhamano.
No. 2 - kalo land in the ili of Kauhamano.
No. 3 - ku ....
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.... >Koolau by Halawa pali
Makai by Keoho
Wailuku by Halawa stream.
Section 3:
Mauka by Poohina
Koolau by Halawa pali
Makai by Kamohai
Wailuku by Halawa stream.
Section 4:
Mauka by Mua
Koolau by Halawa pali
Makai by Kamohai
Wailuku by Halawa stream.
[Award 5516D; R.P. 2780; Haliimaumau Holawa Hamakualoa; 1 ap.; 4.85 Acs; Kauhamano Holawa Hamakualoa; 1 ap.; 2.58 Acs]