Mahele Documents

05398 Kaulaina, his wife
Claim Number: 05398
Claimant: Haae
Other claimant:Kaulaina, his wife
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Haiku
Ili: Waipapa / Kawaipapa
Statistics: 2355 characters 379 words
No. 5398, Haae, Hulaia, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 148-149v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state that my name is Haae. My land claim is 11 chains by 9. I have 6 taro ponds /lo`i/ 2 are fallow, and one is in another place, making seven. the kula claim is 10 chains by 9 chains. The house claim is 3 chains on a side. My occupancy is under Daniela Oleloa.
A respectful farewell,

F.T. 109-110v13< ....

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.... 's land
Koolau by stone wall
Makai by Koele
Kona by Kahiwapa.

Section 3
Mauka by Kalaniuli's koele
Koolau Maikunu pali
Makai by stone wall
Kona by Kaawai.

Land from his (Haae's) wife, Kaulaina at the time of Kaumualii.

Wahawaha, sworn, he has seen his land, he has heard Kuehuehu's testimony, it is true.

[Award 5398; R.P. 3766; Waipapa Haiku Puna; 1 ap.; 2.75 Ac 18 rods]