Royal Patents

10/13/2009 1:25:48 AM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)8586 LCA Number:08521B
Patentee: Hueu, G.D. Island:Hawaii
District:Kona, South TMK3-2-2-07, 3-2-3-41, 42, 3
Ahupua'aKiilae Ili
Statistics: 8686 characters 1354 words
No. S-8586, Hueu, G.D., Kiilae Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, [Volume 37], pps [1-9] [Xerox from Department of Land and Natural Resources]

State of Hawaii

Land Patent No. S-8586 Issued In Confirmation of Land Commission Award

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles, did, by its decision, award by Land Commission Award No. 8521B, Apana 3 to [left blank G.D. Hueu], an estate in Fee Simple in the land hereafter described, and

Whereas, application has been made to the Board of Land and Natural Resources by Clinton R. Ashford, Attorney for Elizabeth Marks Stack, Les Marks and Cynthia Marks Salley, claiming to be the present owner of said land for a Patent covering same, and

Whereas, the award was made by survey, the description of which is found on Page 394 of Volume 10 of Land Commission Awards, on file in the office of the Department of Land and Natural Resources; and

Whereas, the above-entitled Land Patent is also being issued pursuant to the judgment rendered in Civil No. 4843 and S.P. No. 853 the amount of commutation was established at $195.16 and said amount having been received,

Now, Therefore, the State of Hawaii, in conformity with the laws of the State of Hawaii, by this Patent makes known to all men that it has this day granted and confirmed absolutely, in Fee Simple, unto G.D. Hueu, all the land situate at Kiilae, in the District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, bounded and described as follows:

Land Commission Award No. 8521B, Apana 3, to Awardee G.D. Hueu is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

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.... s; 118.01 feet;
76. 85° 26' 38.90 feet;
77. 96° 03' 30" 56.55 feet;
78. 86° 12' 30" 84.85 feet;
79. 74° 50' 42.26 feet;
80. 82° 08' 72.35 feet;
81. 87° 20' 77.01 feet;
82. 81° 59' 30" 76.41 feet;
83. 84° 56' 56.74 feet;
84. 81° 29' 48.14 feet; thence
85. 95° 47' 201.97 feet along Grant 1575 to James Atkins at Kauleoli 1 and 2;
86. 88° 15' 583.0 feet along same to a nail in concrete called "Waikui", at highwater mark at seashore, Thence along highwater mark at seashore, the direct azimuth and distance being:
87. 208° 53' 40" 1015.82 feet;
88. 270° 00' 1092.50 feet along Parcel 3 of the City of Refuge National Historical Park, along remainder of Land Commission Award 8452-B, Apana 3 to G.D. Hueu, and across School Grant 7, Apana 6;
89. 158° 49' 30" 595.4 feet along same to a 1 1/2" pipe in concrete called "Kalani"; Thence along Royal Patent 6852, Land Commission Award 7712:1 to M. Kekuanaoa at Keokea for the following three (3) courses:
90. 259° 08' 15" 3739.88 feet to a 1 1/2" pipe in concrete called "Helelau";
91. 272° 05' 55" 3630.67 feet to a pipe in concrete called "Hakawewe";
92. 264° 48' 73.37 feet to a pipe in concrete on the Westerly side of the South Kona Belt Road; Thence along the westerly side of the South Kona Belt Road for the following fourteen (14) courses:
[Page 5 John D. Weeks, Inc., John D. Weeks, Registered Survey-Engineer, License 502 E.S.]
93. 1° 29' 52.5' 83.92 feet;
94. 357° 39' 40” 116.04 feet; On a curve to the left with