Mahele Documents

05391 Kaahiki, mother died, Hilo inherite
Claim Number: 05391
Claimant: Hilo
Other claimant:Kaahiki, mother died, Hilo inherite
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Anahola
Ili: Kaakaulua, Papakolea
Statistics: 2273 characters 365 words
No. 5391, Hilo, Anahola, Kauai, January 19, 1848
N.R. 148v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claims for taro land at Anahola on Kauai. The name of the taro land is Papakolea, and there is also a house lot at Anahola. The houses and all the improvements.
With aloha,

F.T. 189v12
No. 5391, Hilo, Claimant

No. 5143, Kaahiki

Walonaeku, sworn, s ....

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Kealia by river.

Kaahiki, the parent of Hilo died in 1849, the land was bequested to his [her] son Hilo, They had had it a long time ago, title good to the present time.

Kekuaiki, sworn, he has seen Hilo's land claim, the house lot and the pasture in Anahola and verifies Kalanaiku's statements as true and accurate.

[Award 5391; R.P. 8086; Kaakaulua Anahola Koolau; 2 ap.; 1 Ac 4 rods; 5143 not awarded]