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No. 8411, Laumaka, Haunapo Ili, Kalihi Kai Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Volume 36, pps 347-349 [RP Reel 17, 273-275.tif]
Land Patent No. 8411 Issued In Confirmation of Land Commission Award
Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles, did, by their decision, award by Land Commission [insert] Mahele Award No. 50 Apana 4 to Laumaka an estate of Freehold less than Allodial in the land hereafter described, and
Whereas, application has been made to the Commissioner of Public Lands by Margaret Cook Holstein, the present owner of said land for a Patent covering same, and
Whereas, the bounds thereof have been defined by a Certificate of Boundaries, numbered 28 and recorded on Pages 122 to 127, of Book 2 of Records of Boundary Commission of Oahu, on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, and
Whereas, the Government Commutation thereon amounting to Seven Dollars and 75/100 ($7.75) has been paid at the Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands,
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.... feet
Parcel 1 Area 42,846.00 Square Feet
Parcel 2 Area 9,889.00 Square Feet
Parcel 3 Area 32,587.00 Square Feet
Parcel 4 Area 2.00 Square Feet
Total Area 85,324.00 Square Feet
Containing an area of 85,324.00 Square Feet, more or less
To have and to hold the above granted land in Fee Simple, absolute unto the said Laumaka and the heirs and assigns of Laumaka forever.
In Witness whereof, The Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, has hereto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed, this 29th day of June, A.D. 1928.
By the Governor, W.R. Farrington
C.T. Bailey, Commissioner of Public Lands
Approved as to form: E.R. McGhee
Deputy Attorney General
Written by A.S.G.
Checked by R.F.
[Royal Land Patent No. 8411, Laumaka, Haunapo Ili, Kalihi Kai Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, 4 apana, 85,324.00 Square feet, 1928; Note: the 4 pieces do not coincide with the Boundary Commission Survey]