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No. 5350, Puahiki, Wahiawa, Kauai, January 15, 1848
N.R. 144v9
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby write my land claim. At Punaokahala, an `ili of Wahiawa, are 6 flourishing lo`i and 6 scattered lo`i. There is also a house lot, on the bank of the lo`is and also a pig enclosure. My land was from Kaelemakuke ....
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.... by Waolani's loi land.
Land from Kaelemakule Konohiki under Kekauonohi where he (Kaelemakule) had lived 3 or 4 years, probably without problems.
Ezekiela, sworn, he has heard Napahi's testimony for Puahiki's land, it is true.
[Award 5350; R.P. 7272; Wahiawa Kona; 1 ap. ;1.5 Acs 10 rods]