Royal Patents

5/9/2009 10:42:42 PM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)7966 LCA Number:03870
Patentee: Puu Island:Oahu
District:Koolauloa TMK
Ahupua'aMalaekahana Ili
Statistics: 1724 characters 283 words
No. 7966, Puu, Malaekahana Ahupuaa, District of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, Volume 34, pps. 65-67 [rp Reel 15, 01564 - 01566.tif]

No. 7966
Royal Patent
Upon Confirmation by the Land Commission

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles did by their decision, award to Puu, Claim No. 3870, in F ....

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.... set my hand, and caused the Great Seal of the Hawaiian Islands to be affixed, this 11 day of November, 1891

By the Queen, /signed/ Liliuokalani R [Regina]
The Minister of Interior, /signed/ C.N. Spencer

[Royal Land Patent No. 7966, Puu, Malaekahana Ahupuaa, District of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, .22 Acre, 1891]