Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05324
Claimant: Keakini
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikapu
Ili: Kaalea, Kaloapelu, Kaopala, Aikanaka
Statistics: 3233 characters 551 words
No. 5324, Keakini, Waikapu, 19 January 1848
N.R. 267-268v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my land claim. I have 2 lo'i at Kaaikanaka and 1 at Kaawalee, making three lo'i, which were received from Haa in 1824. Furthermore, I have 2 lo'i at Kaloapelu which I received from Ku, and /2/ lo'is at Kaopala, a total of 4.

There is also a kula which is planted with a row of hala trees, a row of sugar cane clumps, a mala of bananas, and other things.

There is also a kula enclosure for pigs and two houses of an area of perhaps one and a half acres, and another acre, ....

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.... Kula and Maalaea by land of Hae.

No. 2 is bounded:
Mauka by my land
Waihee by Keoni Amaia
Kula by Government Lot
Maalaea by my land.

No. 3 is bounded:
Mauka by the land of Naholowaa
Waihee by the land of Kale Copa /Charles Copp/
Kula by po`alima
Maalaea by the land of Kaalauahi.

No. 4 is bounded:
Mauka by the land of Kalahoouka
Waihee by my land
Kula by the land of Kalahoouka
Maalaea by the land of Opunui.

[Award 5324; R.P. 6374; Kaalea Waikapu; 1 ap.; .56 Ac.; Kaloapelu Waikapu; 1 ap.; 1.82 Acs; Kaopala Waikapu; 1 ap.; .66 Ac.]