Royal Patents

10/12/2009 2:19:14 AM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)6886 LCA Number:08452*H
Patentee: Keohokalole, A. Island:Hawaii
District:Kau TMK3-4-4-05, 3-8-1-11
Ahupua'aKawela Ili
Statistics: 5870 characters 969 words
No. 6886, Keohokalole, A., Kawela Ahupuaa, Kau District, Island of Hawaii; Volume 25, pps. 85-86 [rp Reel 13, 907-908.tif]



No. 6886
Royal Patent.
Upon Confirmation by the Land Commission

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners to quiet Land Titles have by their decision awarded unto A. Keohokalole, Land Commission Award 8542, Apana 17, an estate of Freehold less than Allodial, in and to the land hereafter described, and whereas Ruth Keelikolani, the present occupier of the Ahupuaa of Kawela, by her attorney in fact, W.P. Leleiohoku, has applied to the Minister of the Interior for a Royal Patent for the said Ahupuaa from the Commissioner of Boundaries for the Island of Hawaii. And whereas the Government commutation thereon was relinquished by a resolution of the Privy Council.

Therefore, Lunalilo Kalakaua, by the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this Royal Patent, makes known to all men, that he has, for himself and for his successors in office, this day granted and given absolutely, in Fee Simple, unto A. Keohokalole all that certain piece of la ....

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.... io Patent No. [left blank 1852] (South 71° West 21.64 chains across land to old goat pen);
South 24 1/2° East 2.90 chains along Kiolakaa to X cut in flat pahoehoe rock;
South 14 1/2° East 7.20 chains along Kiolakaa to sea shore at Papakiikii, a little south of the landing at Kaalualu Bay.
Thence along the shore to the point of commencement

Containing an area of 3050 Acres, more or less, excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government all mineral or metallic mines of every description.

To Have and to Hold the above granted Land in Fee Simple, unto the said A. Keohokalole, his heirs and Assigns forever, subject to taxes to be from time to time imposed by the Legislative Council, equally upon all Landed Property held in Fee Simple.

In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great Seal of the Hawaiian Islands to be affixed, this 26th day of March, 1877.

/signed/ Kalakaua R [Rex]
By the King
The Minister of Interior
[signed] J. Mott-Smith

[Royal Land Patent No. 6886, Keohokalole, A., Kawela Ahupuaa, Kau District, Island of Hawaii; 3050 Acres, 1877]