Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05147
Claimant: Kaiu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Ualapue, Kahananui
Ili: Namokae, Napohuehue
Statistics: 7180 characters 1278 words
No. 5147, Kaiu, Ualapue by Molokai
N.R. 157v7

To the Land Commissioners, respectfully: I hereby state my claim for an `ili, 13 fathoms long by 10 fathoms wide, named Loipunawai. It is in the Ahupua`a of Ualapue on the Island of Molokai, and I have had the right of occupancy for 4 years, until the present.

It is bounded by land for Puupuu on the east and by some lo`i po'alima on the west.

Here is this claim of mine in the `ili of Napohuehue, in the Ahupua`a of Ualapue. It is 13 fathoms long by 7 fathoms wide.

Here is this lo`i claim of mine in the `ili of Hulihee, in the Ahupua`a of Ualapue. It is 5 fathoms long; its width and the pauku of kula for sweet potatoes has not been measured.

My house lot claim is in the Ahupua`a of Kahananui by Island of Molokai. It is 24 fathoms long by 12 fathoms wide. I have occupied these lo`is, kulas, and house lot for 19 years until the present.

F.T. 17v6
5147, Kaiu

Kaauhaukini, sworn, knows claimant's lands in ili Namokae, Ualapue.

Part 1st, Kalo
Mauka, Kekuhe
Kaluaaha, Kaupe
Makai, konohiki
Hananui, Kualualu.

Part 2nd, ili Paukeano
Mauka, Kekuhe
Kaluaaha, fence
Makai, konohiki
Hananui, konohiki.

Part 3d ili Lupunawai
Mauka, fence
Kaluaaha, Puupee
Makai, konohiki

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.... en this loi at Kupa since the time of Kamehameha I. Kaiuikokoole had it and Umi was the konohiki at the time the fort was constructed which was 1832. Kaiuikokoole was released and the land was in Manu's possession. He was under Kekuelike, the konohiki.

Kalahohina, sworn, he has seen this land, he also had heard about it when Kaiuikokoole had it at the time of Kamehameha I. It is a koele and he with his cousins have always lived there, but it was Manu only who worked there, until his death in 1847. Kalalaohani was his wife and her children had it until her death in 1848. Kaholowaa has had it to the present time.

Kahue, sworn, Manu had this land at first, Kaui had it upon Manu's death, then Kaholowaa has it to the present. Witness says he has never seen Konohiki work on this lot to the present. No problem for section 2.

DECISION: Konohiki has no claim. Kaui is right for this loi. See page 58.

N.T. 58v16
No. 5147, Kauai (from page 29), 9 November 1853 [Kaiu]

Paipaiku, sworn, he has seen his house lot in Kahananui.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka and Ualapue by konohiki's land
Makai by stream
Kamalo by konohiki's land.

Land from Nau at the time Hoapili was yet alive before 1839. No objections.

[Award 5147; R.P. 3178; Ualapue Kona; 2 ap.; 2 ap.; .40 Ac.; no R.P. Kahananui; 1 ap.; .28 Ac.]