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No. 5024, Keaka, Anahola, Kauai, January 11, 1848
N.R. 128v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for five lo`i and a kula planted with wauke, noni, breadfruit, and 1 orange tree. It is at Anahola, and the houselot /also/. Those are my claims.
F.T. 205v12
No. 5024, Keaka, Claimant
Naalele, sworn, says I know Keaka's lands in Aliomanu - they are in three pieces.
No. 1 is house lot ....
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.... ahe.
Surrounded by Konohiki pasture boundaries.
Land from Konohiki to his (Keaka's) parents, Keaka obtained this land by bequest at the time of Kaumualii.
Poohina, sworn, he has seen Keaka's land at Aliomanu, he is an old native of the land and had seen Keo the Konohiki take Kaluhau. He is in agreement with the statements made by Naelele.
[Award 5024; R.P. 3791; Aliomanu Koolau; 1 ap.; 3 roods 33 rods; Luhau Aliomanu Koolaup 1 ap.; 2 Acs 10 rods]