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Claim 4887*O, Thomas Sam, Honolulu, January 31, 1847
F.R. 6v3
Gentlemen: I beg respectfully to make known to You that I Claim the under-mentioned portions of land: the claims and Surveys of which were presented to Mr. Richards in conformity to the Notice published by order of the Land Commission.
Name, District, Island, By whom given
Kukuioi, Kau, Hawaii, Liloliho
Kaaleo, Kalihi, Woahoo, Liloliho
Kupee, Kona, Hawaii, Kamehameha I
Kahualu, Kaneola, Wouhoo, Kamehameha I
Kalualoa, Kapalama, Waohoo, Kauikeaouli
Puupuaa, Kona, Hawaii, Kauikeaouli
I was born and served several years under the British flag; and have resided nearly half a century of the Sandwich Islands: having been first Cook: then spit-box bearer to, and afterward a soldier of Kamehameha I.
Signed [?], Thomas Sam X, his mark
To the Honorable Board of Commissioners, Sandwich Islands
Note: Neither claim or Surveys were received by the Board before the present time. the Surveys (four in number) being filed with the Secretary for the Commission on 6 March 1848 when they were first received from Claimant, with 1 Native document.
Eugene Saurin describes himself as representative of the Claimant at Nicholson & Hendersons
F.T. 224v2
Claim 4887, Thomas Sams, March 6
Kaepuholohewa, sworn, (3 Claims in Oahu, 3 in Hawaii) I know two lands belonging to Claimant, one in Kalihi, and one is Kaneohe. The last is called "Kahuauli." Pauku kala is the name of the land at Kalihi. It is in 4 pieces. There were six originally, but two have been given to others. I do not know clearly the boundaries. These two lands I spoke of were given to Claimant by Kamehameha I. He said to me - give these lands to Thomas Sams, and I do so, I was the King's agent.
(Claimant stated that the lands at Kaneohe were taken from him by Boki twenty years ago and that they are gone from him). When ....
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.... are under Sam, but whereever they cultivate is their own area. Sam has lived in peace with his men on this property during the many years I have known this.
Z. Kaauwai, sworn and stated, I have seen the boundaries of this property. The sea is twoard its direction
Kahuliu on land, Kekaha
the tree, toward the mountain and
Puakuanui, Kau.
I have seen four houses there at one time, but I had not known the land was for Thomas Sam at that time. When Kuakini had come to live on Oahu here, it was then that I had heard that property was for Sam. I have not heard it has been possessed by someone else.
N.T. 593v2
[No. 4887, Thomas Sams]
[No number, no name]
Kaililaukea, sworn: He has known about this land just as Kanak has related about the lands of Thomas Sam. He had seen Thomas Sam on this land from Kuihelani in 1812; he had received it because he was a favorite of the chief.
5. Keaka sworn: Sam has another land in Kona, Hawaii, named Hookena. The ilis in this land number 14 and the fourth was acquired by Sam. The boundaries are:
Makai Kapio ili land
on the banks of Kuoikuoi? land
mauka mountain
makai lumber point
Kau' Pupuka's land.
No fence, no house here. Keonekaa and Kuikanai are caretakers under Sam. Land from Kam. I where there are potato, taro, banana, coffee, cotton and other plants.
He, Kaililaukea, has been at this place since infancy and he has the understanding that this land is for Sam and no one has objected to Sam.
6. One other land Puapua, an ahupuaa is in Kona, Hawaii. He has known that Puapuaiki is Thomas Sam's land; however, he has not known the boundaries.
This land with houses was from Kamehameha; the people there is not known to Kaililaukea.
[Award 4887; (Oahu) R.P. 70, 71, 72, 73; Kaaleo Kalihi Oahu; 4 ap.; 14.79 Acs; (Hawaii) R.P. 6716; Puapuaaiki Kona; 1 ap.; 170 Acs]