Royal Patents

10/4/2009 2:30:34 PM - last modified
Royal Patent Number(RP)1613 LCA Number:00217
Patentee: Manini, Cruz Island:Oahu
District:Kona TMK
Ahupua'aHonolulu IliMaunakea St.
Statistics: 3929 characters 708 words
No. 1613, Manini, Cruz, Maunakea Street, Honolulu Ahupuaa, Kona District, Island of Oahu, Volume 6, pps. 57-60 [RP Reel 4, 00061-00064.tif]

HELU 1613

No ka mea, ua hooholo na Luna Hoona i na kumu kuleana aina i ka olelo, he kuleana oiaio ko Cruz Manini, Kuleana Helu 217, Apana 3 ma ke ano Kuleana Nui malalo o ke Ano Alodio iloko o kahi i oleloia malalo, a no ka mea, ua haawi mai o ua Cruz Manini nei, iloko o ka Waihona Dala Aupuni i eono dala no ko ke Aupuni Kuleana iloko o ia aina;

Nolaila, ma keia Palapala Sila Nui, ke hoike aku nei o Kamehameha III., ke Alii Nui a ke Akua i kona lokomaikai i hoonoho ai maluna o ko Hawaii Pae Aina, i na kanaka a pau, i k ....

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Containing 0.01  acres, more or less; excepting and reserving to the Hawaiian Government all mineral or metalic mines of every description.

To have and to hold the above granted land in Fee Simple unto the said Cruz Manini, her heirs and assigns forever, subject to the taxes to be from time to time imposed by the Legislative Council equally upon all landed property held in Fee Simple.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the Hawaiian Islands to be affixed, this thirtieth day of August 1853.

Signed, Kamehameha
Signed, Keoni Ana

[Royal Land Patent No. 1613, Manini, Cruz, Maunakea Street, Honolulu Ahupuaa, Kona District, Island of Oahu, .01 Acre, 1853]