Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04826
Claimant: Pukila
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kumueli
Ili: Waipukua
Statistics: 4853 characters 758 words
No. 4826, Pukila
N.R. 123-124v7

To the Land Commissioners: I, Pukila, have an 'ili, Waipukua, in the Ahupua'a of Kumueli, Molokai. I have combined the two lengths 54 + 52 = 106 fathoms; the widths combined are 7.3 + 3.3 /sic/ = 11 fathoms. It is bounded mauka by a lo'i po'alima, to the eastward by Naahuelua's land, makai by a pond, downwind by Kawailoa.

I received it from Awili, who was dispossessed for Kamai, who was dispossessed for Pupuka, who died and it was held by Maikai, who in no time was finished.

At present it is Napunako. It has been perhaps 15 years, in other words /from the time of/ the Fort.

Furthermore, I have a claim for a lot; however it is in someone else's mo'o. Those are my claims which are stated to you all.

F.T. 33v6
4826, Pukila

This claim in ili Waipukua consists of kalo & kula leles & pahale. ....

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.... a 3: Kula
Mauka, Konohiki
Kaluaaha, Palu
Makai, road
Kalamaula, "Kapualei."

He received these from Awili when Hoapili was alive, and has had quiet possession until this time, without dispute.

Kahuaia, sworn: His claim is valid; my knowledge of it is the same.

Decision between the two sides was that 8 acres 44 fathoms would be returned to the Konohiki, leaving 2 acres for him in the Apana 3
Apanas 1 and 2 are good.

N.T. 138v6 [also page 59]
No. 4826, Pukila

Mahoe, sworn, taro in the ili land of Waipukua in Kumueli.

Mauka by konohiki
Manae by Naehuelua
Makai by Pond
Malalo by Nakahuna

There are 3 sections and a house lot is in these sections which Naauili had given to Pukila.
The new konohiki has retained him. No one has objected to his life there.

[Award 4826; R.P. 3720; Kumueli Kona; 3 ap.; 10.39 Acs]