Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04821
Claimant: Kikoikoi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Keawanui
Ili: Ilikea
Statistics: 3238 characters 489 words
No. 4821, Kikoikoi
N.R. 122v7

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kikoikoi, have a claim for a lot in the "ili of someone else. It was formerly an enclosure for pigs, and when my house was completed, I enclosed it with fence and I have a claim therein.

It is 121 fathoms by 79 fathoms, and is bounded to the eastward by Mose"s lot, makai by a road, down wind by a lot for Halualani, mauka it is not clear -- it is a land for planting sweet potatoes. I have not properly measured this land.

F.T. 24v6
4821, Kikoikoi

Kekowai, knows this land in ili Ilikea Keaw ....

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.... and undisputed possession until now.

Ninau, sworn, Our knowledge is the same. I am the Konohiki.

Decision: To remove 1 acre from Apana 2.

N.T. 119v6 [also page 40]
No. 4821, Kikoikoi

Kekoowai, sworn, Land in Iliilikea ili of Keawanui from Hinau in 1839, no objections.

Section 1 - Pasture land
Mauka by Napahi
Manawai, Papa
Makai by Pahupu
Kamalo, Kawainui

Section 2 - House lot
Mauka by Pahupu
Manawai, Haalelea
Makai by road
Kamalo, Kawainui

[Award 4821; R.P. 6059; Ilikea Keawanui Kona; 2 ap.; 3.17 Acs]