Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04820
Claimant: Kamalaua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaamola
Ili: Waipoki, Waipahu, Ohia
Statistics: 2907 characters 454 words
No. 4820, Kumulaua
N.R. 121v7

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kumalaua, have a taro mo'o in the Ahupua'a of Kaamola, Island of Molokai.

The two lengths combined are 65 fathoms, and the two widths /combined/ are 17 fathoms. It is bounded mauka side by a road, to the eastward by the /fresh/ water of Waipahee, makai by some ponds, down wind by some lo'i po'alima.

I received it from Kawaiwaea, perhaps 7 years ago. The witness is Kekahuna. There are also some pauku of kula.

F.T. 25v6< ....

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.... et and undisputed possession until now.

Kukahaoa, sworn, Our knowledge is the same no objections.

N.T. 132v6 [also page 53]
No. 4820, Kumalaua

Pupuka, sworn, Waipahu ili land of Kamola.

Mauka by road
Manae by Kalualani
Makai by Pond
Malalo by Lolo

Some patches in this claim are for the konohiki. Kumalana also has a lot in Ohia, it has been
enclosed. No one has objected to him.

[Award 4820; R.P. 5932; Waipahu & Ohia Kaamola Kona, 2 ap.; 1 Acre 162.1 Fathoms]