Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04815
Claimant: Kanoho
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei
Ili: Makalii
Statistics: 3700 characters 563 words
No. 4815, Kanoho
N.R. 119-120v7

I, Kanoho, have a taro mo'o, Makalei, in the Ahupua'a of Kapualei, Island of Molokai.

The combined lengths are 109 and the widths are 19. It is bounded on the east by a po'alima, on the north by a raised earth border, on the south and west, Hihia's land.

I received it from Pali, who gave it Hopu, who gave it to me. It has been a long time, 16 years. I also have a kula land which I measured but I do not know /remember?/ it.

F.T. 35v6
4815, Kanoho

Kanoho's claim is for ili Makalii, consisting of kalo & kula lands.

Mauka, konohiki
Manae, konohiki
Maka ....

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.... m Kahipalioi when Hoapili was alive, and has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Puahiohio, sworn, All the foregoing is true; my knowledge of it is the same.

N.T. 141v6 [also page 141]
No. 4815, Kanoho

Hawaii, sworn, taro in ili land of Makalii in Kapualei.

Section 1 - Pasture
Mauka by Manae by Makai by konohiki
Malalo by Hihia

Section 2 - Lot
Mauka by (Papuaa) Hog sty
Manae by konohiki
Makai by Nahauna
Malalo by Hog sty

Kanoho lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, no one has objected to him.
Ilae, sworn, No one has objected.

[Award 4815; R.P. 6985; Makalii Kapualei Kona; 2 ap.; 3.52 Acs]