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No. 219, Kaukaliu, claimant
F.R. 147v1
1 document in Native Register, Page 169
N.R. 169-170v1
No. 219, Kaukaliu
Greetings to you, Mr. Richards and your working companions: I, Kaukaliu, will tell you of my claim for my house lot at Kaumakapili.
This place was given to me when Manuia was living at the Fort. At this time, Kekuhaupio gave it to me and my kane, Kuikuinui, and we lived there and made a fence and built a house, and my kane, Kuikuinui died. Until the time I married and went elsewhere, my makua and my kaikunane continued to dwell there and I also, and I paid the annual tribute until this time.
Here is the diagram of this place, the dimensions, and the witnesses:
Witnesses: Kekuhaupio, Kaluahine, Lahaina
/See diagram/ [none in this text]
May God preserve you, With thanks.
KAUKALIU, Honolulu, Kaumakapili
September 22, 1846
F.T. 160-161v1
Claim No. 219, Kaukaliu, 26 August [1847]
This lot is situated in Honolulu, bounded:
On North by the stream and Puaa's land
East by Kalama's yard
South by alanui Kaauwai
West by Kaninuu & Puaa's yard.
Extent south side 1 chain 13 feet 2 inches,
East 1 chain 62 feet 8 inches
North, 27 feet 1 chain 1 fathom, 4 inches
Northwest 34 feet 4 inches
West 1 chain 29 feet
Area 2 chains 40 fathoms 12 feet. The above is extracted from Mr. Richardson's survey.
Kaluhina testified on oath to have known claimant reside on that land with the father of witness unto present time from 1830. Kaumakapili is the name of the place. Witness heard his father say the land was given by Kekuhaupio to claimant in time of Kaahumanu in 1825 or before. Witness knows nothing of how the grantor came by it. There are no other occupants on the land from the first. From that time to the year 1844 there has been no other claimant. Konia, wife of Paki, claims it at present (See No. 123, claims of Paki).
Pahoanui testified on oath, he knows the land and residents. Kekuhaupio gave it to claimant, husband of witness about 1825, who has occupied it himself or relatives from that time to the present.
Kekuhaupio testified on oath, I received that land fr ....
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.... oleioku. Kaaloihe, Kukuinui, Kekuhaupio and Kahuewai were attendants for Kaoleioku and I had seen Kaukaliu as a stranger when she had married Kukuinui. They had lived under Konia at that time. Kukuinui had built a house but had not put up a fence. When Kukuinui died Kaukaliu's parents continued to live there altho' she (Kaukaliu) is living there now with a brother.
Keoni, sworn by the Word of God and stated, All of my statements are similar to those which have been given here by Punalua. We had lived at the heiau. I have not lived at the place Kaukaoiu is claiming, I had a separate place. When Kaoleioku had come to live there, all of the servants came to live there (also), but I had lived there before Kaoleioku had come and when he did come, we had a chief in Kaoleioku. Kanakaole lived (there) as a fisherman for Kaoleioku. I have seen Kekuhaupio living there, Kukuinui also who was the husband of Kaukaliu. When Kukuinui died, Kaukallu lived there to the present time.
Kahaleluhiole, sworn by the Word of God and stated, That property is for Kao-leioku according to my knowledge and it has been for him to this time. Kukui-nui was Kaukaliu's right for having lived there for he was her husband. I do not know who had given Kaukaliu's husband the right to his place, but I have seen Kukuinui living there when Liholiho had returned and was down,"No, it [he] is standing there." [sic] I have not seen Kukuinui living under a chief.
Nanaikeae is sworn by the Word of God and stated, That property Kaukaliu is claiming of you was for Kaoleioku. Kaukaliu had her right to live there from Kukuinui. Kukuinui had his right from Hoolaka but lived under Kaoleioku. When Kaoleioku died the bequest was to Pauahi, then when Poki ma went to England with our husbands, some of them left their wives (home) and it was the same for Kaukaliu. When the wife of Hoolaka died the bequest was for my husband.
M. Kekuanaoa, sworn before Kaauwai and stated, Here is what I have known. During the reign of Kamehameha, all of this place at Kaumakapili in Honolulu here was for Kaoleioku. When Liholiho came into office, the land was acquired by Kukuinui and that is what I have known.
Honolulu Fort, M. Kekuanaoa
September 8, 1647
[Award 219; R.P. 56; Maunakea St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .22 Ac.]