Mahele Documents

2/24/2009 2:52:20 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 04503
Claimant: Mauae
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Waimanalo
Ili: Ahiki, Kahikea, Kailiili
Statistics: 1790 characters 290 words
No. 4503, Mauae
N.R. 312v4

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: Here is my claim: Six lo'i in the land of Keliimama, who has the kula; and a house lot. I got these in the time of Lono. It is in Waimanalo on Oahu.

F.T. 130v11
No. 4503, Mauae

Namakahiki, Hoohikiia, Ua ike au i kona ....

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.... liili.

Claimant had his land from his father in the time of Kalola and has had it in peace to this time.

Kahihina, sworn, says the above testimony is true.

[Award 4503; R.P. 1905; Ahiki Waimanalo Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .668 Ac.; Kahikea Waimanalo Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .554 Ac.; Kailiili Waimanalo Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .447 Ac.]