Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04376
Claimant: Keahi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Olowalu
Ili: Puukoloohilo
Statistics: 4820 characters 735 words
No. 4376, Keahi
N.R. 164-165v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners:I, Keahi, hereby state my claim for 58 lo`i, 5 clumps of lei, and mat variety hala, and the trees on my mo`o, as my right upon that mo`o. I received it from my makuakane, on his death, as his heir. Our right was from Pikai, and a house site and kula. Until this time they have not been disputed. There are three kihapai of wauke. At Pualaia are two kihapais of wauke, and two kihapai of dry land taro. These kihapais are on the mountain.
Olowalu, 19 January, 1848

F.T. 201-202v7
Cl. 4376, Keahi

Lupe, sworn, I know the lands of the claimant. They are in Olowalu, in the ili of "Puukoloohilo", they consists of 10 pieces.

No. 1 is 25 Moos of kula land.
No. 2 is 17 moos of kula land, and 5 lois.
No. 3 is a section of kalo land.
No. 4 of one loi.
No. 5 of 5 lois.
No. 6 of 7 ....

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.... />Section 5 - 3 patches.
Mauka byby Government pasture
Hana by Aamoku's lot
Makai by Kalai
Kaanapali by Kekona.

Section 6 - 1 patch.
Mauka by Kahalelaau's land
The rest of the lot is surrounded by Kehalelaa's land.

Section 7 - 7 patches.
Mauka by Kahalelaau's land
Hana by Lupe
Makai by Keakaikawai's pasture
Kaanapali by Government pasture.

Section 8 - 2 patches.
Mauka by Napuunoa
Hana by Paumaumau ili
Makai by Napuunoa
Kaanapali by Lupe.

Section 9 - Whole lot.
Mauka by Kaiehu
Hana byby Panioi
Makai by Napuunoa
Kaanapali by Kaiehu and Kahalelaau.

Section 10 - Pasture section and mountain.
Mauka by Paumamau ili
Hana by Olowalu stream
Makai by Government pasture
Kaanapali by Launipoko.

[Award 4376; R.P. 6267; Puukoliolio Olowalu; 3 ap.; 14 Acs]