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No. 4355, [Kaihuia], Kapaka, Oahu, January 5, 1848
N.R. 260v4
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, Kaihuia, am a claimant in the `Ili. There are eight taro lo`i, a kula, a house, two clusters of hala trees. The boundaries of these claims are: north, Kapa, east, Kalokoloa, west, the ....
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.... nd for at least 10 years.
Kiikau, sworn, says he knows the land of Kaihuia. It is as set forth by the last witness, whose testimony he confirms.
Paehewa, Agent of the Konohiki, had no objections to make to this claim.
[Award 4355; R.P. 1443; Kapaka Koolauloa; 2 Ap.; 1.17 Acs]