Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04321
Claimant: Kahelekilohi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa kai
Ili: Waipao, Kaweupuolo, Nuukauila, Miimua, Pohakalaia, Puukapu
Statistics: 2267 characters 383 words
No. 4321, Kahelekilohi, Waialua, January 12, 1848
N.R. 254v4

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kahelekilohi, have a claim from the time of Kamehameha in the time when my makuas were living. The first is Kaweupuolo, Kawailoa kai, with four lo`i and one mala of bananas, which is surrounded by Kalehlna ma's land. On the north is Mooha, with three lo`i, surrounded by Huki's lo`is. There is also a sweet potato kula and a mala ....

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.... lo`i and kula at Nukauila.

Apana 1:
Mauka, mo`o of Kahawai for Kaluahi
Waianae, land boundary wall
Makai, land of Hanakapuka
Koolaupoko, Anahulu Stream.

His land was from Kuokoa in the time of Kinau and is undisputed.

Kalehina, sworn, My knowledge of it is the same as Kuokoa's.

[Award 4321, R.P. 3419; Kawailoa Waialua; 2 ap.; 1.26 Acs; Nuukauila Kawailoa Waialua; 1 ap.; 1.58 Acs]