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No. 4308, Kualulo, Waialua, Oahu, January 15, 1848
N.R. 246-247v4
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state that I have a claim at Keekee uka, which I got from my makuas. They lived and died at these places, and I am occupying them at this time. Therefore, I think this land should be mine forever.
My makuas got this land at the time of Kamehameha I. It is bounded on the north by a pali and I have wauke at this pali. On the east is konohiki land, on the south is Keeleku and the pali, which is for me and Keeleku. I have sweet potato on this land an ....
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.... aeleku, sweet potato kula.
Apana 1:
Mauka, Waianae, pali
Makai, Koolauloa, Anahulu Stream.
Mauka, land of Konohiki
Waianae, Stream
Mauka, pali
Koolauloa, sweet potato kula.
Apana 3:
Mauka, land of Kamakea
Waianae, Mauka, pali
Koolauloa, Anahulu Stream.
He received this land from his parents in the time of Kamehameha I and is undisputed until the present.
L. Kuokoa, sworn, My knowledge of it is that Kamakea's knowledge is correct.
[Award 4308; R.P. 3072; Eleku Kawailoa Waialua; 3 ap.; 8.42 Acs]