Mahele Documents

04261 Kalainaina, keiki; heir
Claim Number: 04261
Claimant: Kauwila
Other claimant:Kalainaina, keiki; heir
Other name: Kauila
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Pupukea
Ili: Puulu,Kiwaa
Statistics: 2467 characters 395 words
No. 4261, Kauwila, Pupukea, Oahu, January 17, 1848
N.R. 232-233v4

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kauwila, have a claim for land in Pupukea. There is one mo`o, a kula, an upland, and a salt bed. The boundaries are: on the north, Kaiwi's land, on the east, mountain, on the south, Poohina's /land/, on the west, a kai /shore area or fishery/. My claims in other places consist of two `ili /patches/ surrounded by the mo`o of Ku, and one `ili surrounded by the mo` ....

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.... akai, sea
Koolaupoko, land of Kaiwi.

Apana 2:
Mauka, pali
Waialua, land of Pu
Makai, sea
Koolaupoko, land of Ku.

Apana 3:
Mauka, road
Waialua, land of Aina
Makai, sea
Koolaupoko, land of Waha.

He received this land from his parents, from the time of Kamehameha I. He is undisputed. He has become feeble and has bequeathed it to his keiki.

Aina, sworn, I know it is true.

[No. 4261 not awarded]