Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04203
Claimant: Kaneheana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kumueli
Ili: Haleokapa
Statistics: 3434 characters 522 words
No. 4203, Kaneheana
N.R. 108v7

I have a mo`o at Kumueli, named Haleakapa, on the Island of Molokai. The length is 77 and the width is 23. I received it from Kemonaha, who received it from Makahakupa.

Here are the boundaries: a fence is mauka, Haapa's land is makai, and the po`alima. To the eastwardis a hill, and on the downwind side is Kea's land.

I also have a kula, which is mauka. That is my claim for land which is stated to you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles.

F.T. 33v6
4203, Kaneheana

Kaneheana's claim lies in ili Haleokapa, consists of kalo & kula leles ....

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.... until his death in 1848; when this claim was bequeathed to Kumuhakui, his wife, and Koomana, his son, and they possess it at this time without dispute.

Kaluna, sworn: His claim is valid; my knowledge of it is the same.

N.T. 137v6
No. 4203, Kaneheana

Mahoe, sworn, taro in the ili land of Haleakapa in Kumueli.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by konohiki
Manae by Makahalupa
Makai by Kahina
Malalo by Kea.

Extreme mauka, 2 pasture lele's.

Kaneheana had lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, no one has objected to him.

[Award 4203; R.P. 6062; Kumueli Kona; 3 ap.; 1.79 Acs]