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No. 4117, Kahaikupuna
N.R. 273v8
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a house lot which is 30 fathoms long by 25 fathoms wide. It is at Malanahee, Hamakua, Hawaii. It was from Kawelo to Nalehu, and from Nalehu to me.
I desire to secure this place for myself.
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.... Section 8: All boundaries around are for the konohiki, with 1 kihapai.
This land is from Kahaikupuna's parents during the time of Kamehameha I; no objections.
Kalakualaau, sworn, He has known exactly as Naukana has related.
[Award 4117; Malanahae Hamakua; 2 ap.; 12.85 Acs]