Mahele Documents

04116 Kaupena,Keai,Paele,Kekuke, Konohiki
Claim Number: 04116
Claimant: Keai
Other claimant:Kaupena,Keai,Paele,Kekuke, Konohiki
Other name: Konohiki
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kukuihaele
Ili: Kamakaia
Statistics: 1604 characters 250 words
No. 4116, Konohiki
N.R. 272-273v8

2. Kaupena
3. Keai
4. Paele
5. Kekuke


A claim for land at Kukuihaele. We, the people whose names are on this letter have made this claim. This claim has six sides: [See Diagram] on the north side, 894 feet, from thenc ....

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.... e land.
3 cultivated fields, no house.

This is their old land from their parents during the time of Kamehameha I; no one has objected."

Kekuke, sworn and stated, "I have known exactly as Paele has related here."

[Award 4116; R.P. 5109; Kukuihaele Hamakua; 1 ap. 10.6 Acs]