Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04093
Claimant: Kahema
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kumueli
Ili: Kaaloa
Statistics: 7433 characters 1161 words
No. 4093, Kahema
N.R. 80-81v7

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the one whose name is below, hereby petition for my claim for land in the Ahupua'a of Kumueli; the 'ili is Kaaloa. It is described below, with its diagram showing the dimensions of the various sides.

(All the diagrams) [No diagram in this text]
North side 102 fathoms 0 yards
East side 234 fathoms 0 yards
South side 161 fathoms 0 yards
West side 224 fathoms 1 yard

The one from whom I got the land in Diagram I is still living.
The one from whom I got the land in Diagram II, Kalaikini, is dead.
The one from whom I got the land in Diagram III is still living.

I have had this land for 11 years. I have had the land in Diagram III for three years. I received it from Pupuka, the konohiki, who is dead. Another claim of mine is inland in the stream valley; a place to plant sweet potatoes, bananas, wauke and taro. Those are my claims.

F.T. 33v6
4093, Kahema

Kahema's claim lies in ili Kaaloa & consists of kalo & kula.

Mauka, konohiki
Manae, Kahewauku
Makai, Kanakalawaia
Malalo, konohiki.

Mauka, Upai
Manae, konohiki
Makai, sea
Malalo, Mahoe

Mauka, road
Manae, watercourse
Makai, fence
Malalo, watercourse.

Mauka, Mahoe

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.... newanui, sworn, I know these apanas of land of his in the 'Ili stated above.

Apana 4: Kula land
Mauka, road
Kaluaaha, Naehuelua
Makai, a lo'i for Kahema
Kalamaula, Konohiki.

Apana 5: Kula
Mauka, Mahoe
Kaluaaha, Makanui
Makai, Kahawae
Kalamaula, a water course.

He received these Apanas 3, 4 and 5 from Kahekili, in the time of Hoapili, before 1839, and has quiet possession ever since; I have not heard of the one who disputed it. The testimony about Apanas 1 and 2 is right, it is so.

Kalua, sworn: All the foregoing testimony is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it.

N.T. 137v6 [also page 58]
No. 4093, Kahema

E. Kaumu and Mahoe, sworn, Kaaloa ili in Kumueli.

Section 1 - Taro pasture.
Mauka by konohiki
Manae by stream
Makai by Kanakalawaia
Malalo by konohiki

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by Upai
Manae by konohiki
Makai by sea
Malalo by Mahoe.

Section 3 - House lot.
Mauka by road
Manae by stream
Makai by hog sty
Malalo by Hawae.

Section 4 - Pasture.
Mauka by Mahoe
Manae by Makanui
Makai by stream
Malalo by konohiki.

There are other sections also. Kahema had lived there through the kindness of the konohiki's.
No objections.

[Award 4093; R.P. 3530; Kumueli Kona; 5 ap.; 3.9 Acs]