Mahele Documents

12/15/2006 11:55:06 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 04040
Claimant: Lamaia
Other claimant:Alaa, Naliahu, Nahola, etc.
Other name: Nalaumaia
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kapulena
Ili: Kakaea, Ulukaa, Ulukikoo
Statistics: 2898 characters 457 words
No. 4040, Lamaia
N.R. 274-275v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: A claim in District 6, Island of Hawaii. Here is our claim for land: a stone boundary ridge is on the east side, Ahupuaa is on the west side, a pali is on the north side, a road is on the south. The lot is in this land.

Here is our claim for land mauka of Kapuulena: a hill is on the east, a valley is on the west, a hill is on the north, a grove is on the south.

Names: Nalamaia, Piho, Ahia, Kaulukala, Alaa, Poliahu, Puahewa, Napalapalai, Kailihulelei, Ahinauniai, ....

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.... Section 5:
Mauka by Ahia's land
Kohala by Nohola's land
Makai by konohiki
Hilo by Kaauhuhu ahupuaa.
1 cultivated kihapai.

Section 6: Ulukikoo ili land.
Mauka, Kohala and all around by Nakanelua's land
1/3 of kihapai cultivated.

Land from Nalaumaia's parents at the time of Kamehameha I; he /Nalaumaia/ has it at present. No one has objected to this day.

Waihaawi, sworn, I have known exactly as Iwilua has related here.

[Award 4040; R.P. 5119; Kapulena Hamakua; 2 ap.; 28.75 Acs]