Mahele Documents

4/28/2006 7:37:26 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 04020
Claimant: Awili
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei, Mapulehu
Ili: Koipohaku, Kawapapa, Kapalena, Hakawai
Statistics: 4475 characters 690 words
No. 4020, Awili
N.R. 70-71v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state to you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles, that I have a mo`o in the Ahupua`a of Kapuahi /Kalei/. There are some taro lo`i and their kula, 44 fathoms by 11 fathoms.

My kula land in my `ili is in 4 pauku, 1 pauku is makai, going mauka are two, and so forth until far inland.

The `ilis that adjoin mine are Kukuikaono, for Kamaile, and on another side, Kapalena's land.

Here is this claim of mine for a house lot, 55 fathoms long by 52 fathoms wide. Kapalioi was the former konohiki who gave it to me and I have occupied it ever since.

However, my house lot is in the `ili of Kapalena. I have occupied this land for 15 years. That is my claim which is stated to you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles.

To the Land Commi ....

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He received these apanas from Kahipalioi when Hoapili was alive, before 1839, and has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Puahiohio, sworn: All the foregoing is true, my knowledge of it is the same. No objections.

N.T. 144v6 [also page 65]
No.101E, Auili

Hawaii, sworn, In the ili land in Koipohaku and ili land of Kawapapa.

Section 1 - Taro.
Mauka by Konohiki
Manae by Namaile
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Hema.

Section 2 - Taro.
Mauka by Hema
Manae by Auili
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Kaaikaula.

Section 3 - 3 lele sections are there, also a house lot.

Auili had lived there at the time of Kahipalioi in 1836, no one had objected.

[Award 4020; R.P. 6656; Kapualei Kona; 5 ap.; 3.39 Acs; See also No.101E not awarded]