Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00167B
Claimant: Kaiwiino
Other claimant:
Other name: Kaiwinui, Kaiuino
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Onouliwai, Onoulimaloo
Ili: Niuula, Pukaiki
Statistics: 5251 characters 823 words
[No. 167B], No. 2359, Kaiwiino
N.R. 466v3

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Kaiwiino, on the Island of Molokai, have a small `ili in the Ahupua`a of Honoulimaloo, which is named Pukaiki. Here is its length /no length given/, the width is five chains, one chain on the easterly side, Alamihikawai, the lower side is Kapehu, mauka is Kualauala. This `ili lies from upland to the sea. A portion of this `ili lies from the kapawai wahie /driftwood line?/ on the south. This `ili has a kula; the side on the east is Pilipili, below is Keauhou. The length is 17 chains, the width is 16 chains. My occupation of this land was from my kupunas in the time when Kamehameha the First was living, until the present. The first ali`i was Kaiko, /then/ Haaheo, and Keohokalole, the konohikis have been Kahalekulu, Kahilinalo, Kekuanui, Kaha, Mauna, and Lima. The witnesses are Kauakahi, Koahoouka and Puu, therefore, I have a claim to this land for you, the Commissioners, to consider and confirm. It is finished.
Hon ....

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.... ltivated. The other apanas are not disputed.

Kowilikopaa, sworn, All the foregoing testimony is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it.

Decision: by both sides: To return Apana 1 to Konohiki, the others are his.

N.T. 167v6
[No number], Kaiwiino

Isaia, sworn, taro pasture in Niuula ili in Honouliwai.

Mauka by Popule
Manae by Pali
Makai by Kamainalulu
Malalo by Stream

He lived there in 1840, no objections to him. 4 Poalimas are there.

N.T. 187v6
[No number], Kaiuino

Ili land Pukaiki in Honoulimalo.

Section 1 - Taro

Mauka by Pali
Manae by Stream
Makai by Kapahu
Malalo by Pali

Section 2 - Pasture

Mauka by Kahopukahi
Manae by Pali
Makai by Hog corral
Malalo by Stream

[Award 167B; R.P. 6030; Onouliwai Kona; 1 ap.; 1.645 Acs; Pukaiki Onoulimaloo Kona; 3 ap.; 6.49 Acs; The name is Kaiwinui & Kaiwiino in indices]