Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03892
Claimant: Nahuina
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waialua
Ili: Ilahoele, Hikoele
Statistics: 3971 characters 655 words
No. 3892, Nahuina
N.R. 55v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for land in Lakoele, in the Ahupua`a of Waialua on Molokai. It is 3 chains 4 fathoms 2 feet in length by 2 chains in width. There are 2 lo`i po`alima in my land claim.

Furthermore, I state that it is not surveyed. Kaanaana's land is mauka, Naai's land is makai, a pali is on the east side, and a muliwai is on the west side.

F.T. 41v6
3892, Nahuina

Nahuina claims Ilahoele

Mauka, Kanana
Manae, pali
Makai, kai
Malalo, watercourse.

Part 2nd
Mauka, Paumano
Manae, pali
Makai, Kekaula
Malalo, watercourse.

This claim is old as the above, 1832.


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.... ch is 1/4 acres. 2 lo`i of the konohiki are in apana 2.

Kekaula, sworn, All the foregoing testimony is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it.

Decision: Return the apana of kula land of 3 acres or more to the konohiki, and reserve the house site and Apanas 1 and 2 for the claimant.

N.T. 154v6 [also page 75]
3892, Nahuina

Kanana, sworn, Ilahoele 3 ili land in Waialua.

Section 1 - Taro
Mauka by Kaanaana
Manae by Pali
Makai by Naai
Malalo by Stream

Section 2 - Taro
Mauka by Paumano
Manae by Pali
Makai by Kekaula
Malalo by Stream

Nahuina lived there in 1832, no one has objected.

[Award 3892; R.P. 6320; Hikoele Waialua Kona; 3 ap.; 3.21 Acs]