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No. 3792, Koenakaia
N.R. 44v7
Greetings to the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands: I will explain to you, my claim for land, which I have at this time. I received the mo`o from Keopuhiwa who was the konohiki of the Ahupua`a of Ualapue. I lived under Keopuhiwa for three years without any wrong-dong to my lo`is, until 1845, then his konohikiship over the Ahupua`a of Ualapue was terminated.
Kamakini then became the konohiki and I have lived under him until the present, four years. There are eight lo`i. Here are the ....
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.... upa in Ualapue.
Section 1 - Patch - Taro land
Mauka by Aupuni
Kaluaha, Paele
Makai by Konohiki
Kahananui, Kaupe
Section 2 - Pasture land
Mauka by Piimoku
Kaluaaha, Pala
Makai by Pa
Kahananui, Kaupe
Konohiki's interest is in the claim. Koenakaia's right to live here to Kamakoni's time was given by Keopuhiwa. No one has objected to him.
Kawelo, sworn, He has known in the same way as Kaupe.
[Award 3792; R.P. 4859; Ualapue Kona; 2 ap.; .34 Ac.]