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No. 3711, Mokuhou, Waimea, December 27, 1847
N.R. 152-153v4
To the Land Commissioners: I, Mokuhou am a claimant of land at Waimea, a mo`o of Koala. Kapau is the adjoining kula. It is bounded on the north by pali, on the east by the kula of Kaululoa, on the south by a stream, on the west by the muliwai of Waimea. That is my claim in the land of Waimea, wh ....
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.... ived this land from his parents, frorn the time of Kamehameha I. He was given it in the time of Kamehameha III and it is undisputed .
Haona, sworn, I know it is correct.
Kailiwai, the konohiki, agreed to this claim on the 15th day of June, 1852. There is no dispute.
I.L . Nailiili
[Award 3711; R.P. 2611; Waimea Koolauloa; 1 ap.; 3.10 Acs]