Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03646
Claimant: Kamoa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Nawiliwili
Ili: Kaakauloko
Statistics: 2582 characters 409 words
No. 3646, Kamoa, Kalapaki, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 83v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for land. I, Kamoa, a Hawaiian subject living on the island of Kauai have three lo`i: however, my place of residence is in another place. I received the right to my lo`is from Daniela Oleloa.
KAMOA X, his mark

F.T. 173v13
No. 3646, Kamoa, Claimant

Waikahu, witness, sworn, says I am a kamaaina of Nawiliwi ....

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.... lying together in the ili of Kaakauloko.
Mauka by Keliiahonui's land
Wailua Nawiliwili stream
Makai by Waikahu's ditch
Koloa by Luka's ditch.

Lands from his daughter Kaholi, she had received it from her parent, upon his death, she gave one half of the land to her parent and the other half to her husband.

Kauhane, sworn, he was present and heard Waikahu's testimony, it is true.

[Award 3646; R.P. 3848; Nawiliwili Puna; 1 ap.; 1 rood 18 rods]