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No. 3505, Kailimaloo
N.R. 138v4
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I, the one those name is below, hereby state my claim for eight lo`i, three lo`i in another place, one lo`i in yet another place, also a kula. That is the nature of my lo`is, 5 are situated separately in different places, in the ` ....
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.... , 3 koele.
Mauka, Kapalakai, a moo land
Honolulu, (?) Kaluapuhi, a moo land
Makai, Kumukakane pond
Waianae, Hanaiki pond.
Land from Kaumiumi at the time of Kinau. No one objected to him.
Palea, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kekaina.
[No. 3505 not awarded]